A greeting card is a sentiment and feeling expressed on a piece of paper. In the old days greeting cards were not that exciting and fun but as time went by, it became more and more fun. Initially greeting cards were written using emotions on a white piece of paper with some random drawn pictures. Then came the time of high quality and colorful papers, red, blue, yellow, green on which already printed messages and photos were available. Then greeting card companies took it to another level by creating pop-up greeting cards.
Once this card is opened a picture with a message would pop out of the envelope leaving the receiver surprised and amazed. This card is a very funny and frolic way of expressing one’s feelings. This card is just not about birthdays, Christmas and other holidays, it can be use for many different things. You can send it to a friend to cheer him. You can play pranks very easily with your friends by using this card. The pop-up greeting cards are much more beautiful than ordinary cards and almost look real.
You can make your own pop up card at your home and customize it however you like. First cut a rectangular piece of a colored paper and fold it in half equally from the short sides together. Then make two cuts from the folded side leaving 1 inch space. Now crease the pop up from middle and create whatever you want to pop up. These pop-up greeting cards really are a fun.
You can make your own pop up card at your home and customize it however you like. First cut a rectangular piece of a colored paper and fold it in half equally from the short sides together. Then make two cuts from the folded side leaving 1 inch space. Now crease the pop up from middle and create whatever you want to pop up. These pop-up greeting cards really are a fun.