Individually made pop-up greeting cards are a good indication of your care for its recipient. You should get extra paper and glue then follow the following procedure to make a card of any shape and color;
Assuming that you are coming up a centerfold card, you will have to create the design of your preference. Begin by writing your greeting message on a card of your choice. You should ascertain that no message which you wish to be readable ends up beneath the centerfold model.
On your card, draw an inverted triangle. You should indicate a position around the centerfold that you will want to be covered with flowers. The rough outline of the spot should generate from the bottom end of your card and extend outwards and upwards such that it assumes the appearance of ice creams.
Since the centerfold flower must not be wider than the card, you should measure the dimensions of the flower on pop-up cards. Half-fold the card and measure the width which should be practically longer than the widest part of your flower.
Later, you will cut a triangle out of the paper with its top not being longer than the width of your card. Draw your design using markers or another construction paper after which you should cut extra paper and fold the design into equal halves.
In conclusion, glue the boundaries of the centerfold to the greeting card, tuck the midpoint of the triangle and glue the flowers on it after which you neatly fold your flowered- pop-up greeting cards.